First Nations

78% of land in the north is recognised under land rights or native title legislation

credit: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Attorney-General’s Department. 2018.

65,000 years - the world's oldest living culture

credit: National Museum of Australia

200,000 First Nations people live in the north, 26% of northern population (3.8% national rate)

credit: ABS 2016

24 years is the median age of First Nations people in Australia

credit: ABS 2021

For every $1 of revenue, certified First Nations suppliers generate $4.41 of social return

credit: Supply Nation 2023

Across the NT there's 73 remote communities and over 500 homelands

credit: NTIBN Export Strategy 2022-25

43% of 1,545 remote First Nations communities in Australia have no mobile service

credit: RMIT "Mapping the Digital Gap" report. 2023.

6500 native Australian bush foods - fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices exist

credit: NTIBN Export Strategy 2022-25

13 of the 6500 native bush foods are certified and developed for local and international markets

credit: Food Standards Australia New Zealand