Expression of interest funding call guidelines

Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia > Expression of interest funding call guidelines

Expression of interest

Funding call guidelines

All CRCNA EOI submissions are to be made via an online form, attached to the specific funding call.

For any project submission to be considered eligible, it must: 

  • have at least one partner representing industry (or the end-user of the research where appropriate).
  • include significant co-contribution of cash and in-kind. EOIs with a higher cash co-contribution will be viewed more favourably
  • fit within one (or more) of the three investment themes:
    • agriculture and food (including aquaculture)
    • northern Australia health service delivery
    • Traditional Owner-led business development (in agriculture, food or health industries).

Lead participant organisation is the organisation responsible for leading the research project and fulfilling CRCNA reporting requirements for the duration of the project. 

Participant or Participant organisation (as named in EOI form) are those organisations who:

•    make a co-contribution to the project, either cash and/or in-kind.
•    utilise project funds to conduct research

Organisations who are not making a co-contribution nor conducting research activities are considered stakeholders

Stakeholder (as named in the EOI form) are those organisations or individuals likely to engage with or benefit from the research activities or materials but are not contributing any cash or in-kind towards the project. For example, a project outlined by Smith University proposing research relevant to the beef industry may propose to undertake research activities with cattle producers across northern Australia, but these cattle producers are not making any financial or in-kind co-contribution towards the project. 


  • EOIs must match the amount of funding sought from the CRCNA through cash and/or in-kind co-contributions.
  • Those EOIs with a high cash co-contribution will be considered more favourably during the EOI assessment process.
  • It is at the Participant’s discretion to determine who will provide the co-contribution, and if there are multiple sources, what proportion each contributes.
  • Funding sourced from other Commonwealth grants cannot be used to meet the 1:1 contribution.

Participant cash co-contributions are cash monies paid to the CRCNA by a Participant to undertake the agreed research activities. 

Participant in-kind co-contributions consist of non-monetary resources utilised for research purposes. These include personnel (referred to as ‘staff in-kind’) and pro-rata use of facilities, equipment and services (referred to as ‘non-staff-in-kind’) provided by a Participant to the CRCNA from its own resources to deliver research activities associated with the project. 

Please note, if successful, cash and in-kind co-contributions must be reportable and auditable. This is non-negotiable.  

Full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations are often used to determine the value of staff-in-kind co-contributions.   

Research Agreements

The CRCNA seeks to formalise its relationship with all named project participants.  An overview of the CRCNA agreements is available here 

Industry-led research collaborations 

  • EOIs must demonstrate why industry needs the research and clearly outline how the industry will support and adopt the research (pathway to impact). At least one of the EOI Participants must represent the industry in which the research is being undertaken. 
  • Industry partners are not required to lead the EOI nor submit the EOI. 
  • Government Statutory Authorities and Government Entities at state, federal and local levels are welcome to submit EOIs but must have at least one partner representing industry (or the end-user where appropriate). 

CRCNA funding can be used to support the costs of:

  • research
  • salaries
  • student placements
  • strategies which build the R&D capacity within SMEs
  • deployment of research outputs and encouragement of take up by industry.

CRCNA funding cannot be used for EOIs that:

  • do not have a research component or a clearly articulated research question
  • do not have at least one industry partner
  • whose outputs are highly localised without potential broader application across Northern Australia
  • are to build capital works or for the purchase or construction of facilities such as buildings or are for renovations or extension of buildings and existing facilities
  • are for any activities for which you have previously been funded or are currently being funded by the Australian Government or a State or Territory governments
  • Institutional overheads

EOIs will be assessed through a competitive, merit-based process. The CRCNA will prepare, in collaboration with appointed advisory committee members (where required), recommendations for final consideration by the CRCNA Board. Successful EOIs will be invited to submit a Project Outline and Project Expenditure with more specific detail on the proposed research project.   The CRCNA will also contact unsuccessful EOI Applicants. 

Merit criteria 

Submissions must:

  • measurably demonstrate how their EOI will impact on one or more of the CRCNA’s strategic objectives 
  • fit within the CRCNA’s focus areas and tackle the most strategic barriers facing the identified focus areas.
  • demonstrate why the EOI should be CRCNA funded and not be funded by other related programs (e.g. State and NT agencies, RD&E Corporations, etc.).
  • include significant co-investment of cash and in-kind. EOIs with a high cash contribution will be viewed more favourably.
  • clearly demonstrate how the EOI is supported by industry as a necessary investment i.e. has demonstrable links to other industry and/or Government strategic plans and priorities.
  • have a clearly outlined pathway to impact.
  • demonstrate a strong Return on Investment