The CRCNA is proud to sponsor two new undergraduate scholars as part of the 2022 AgriFutures Horizon Scholarship, in partnership with seven Research and Development Corporations (RDC’s) and FMC Australasia to develop the next generation of rural leaders.

Amy Ferguson from the University of Melbourne and Luke Austin from Southern Cross University each receive a $10,000 bursary over two years from the CRCNA.

CRCNA CEO, Anne Stünzner congratulates Amy and Luke, who join 18 other successful scholars from across Australia in the program.

“Amy and Luke’s passion for Northern Australia distinguished them from a talented pool of applicants. I am looking forward to supporting them in their final two-years of study and helping them grow their networks and linkages with our industry partners and researchers across the north,” she said.

In addition to two-weeks industry placement each year, the students also attend an annual four-day professional development workshop focused on leadership and personal development. The workshop will feature special guest speakers, industry experts and also provide the opportunity to network, meet sponsors and discuss innovations and challenges in the agricultural sector.

Luke AustinAmy Ferguson