Belinda Carlson’s Developing Northern Australia Conference presentation in Karratha, 28 August 2024.
Link to presentation video on YouTube

After working on Northern Australian policy for 6 years, it was time for Bel to get some proper dirt on her boots to see firsthand the impact that research and development from the CRC for Developing Northern Australia was achieving. In 2023 Bel took a leap and left government to undertake a year of travel across her beloved Northern Australia exploring new and old industries and meeting the characters getting on with the job.

So, what does ‘northern development’ look like? How do we tell our story our way? And how can we create more champions outside of the region that understand we’re hot, but in all the right ways?

With over 57,000km travelled, this presentation takes the audience on a journey across the north, showcasing what can be achieved when you back creativity, research and collaboration. It will also leave you thinking about contemporary ways to positively influence the progress and challenges faced by Northern Australia.

The region is a content creators dream and visual story telling is essential to building awareness of what we offer as a region, as well as what’s needed to truly realise a more sustainable and equitable future.

This is an honest look into what it takes to make development in the north work. There were many laughs on this journey, a couple of tears, a few snake encounters, 2 Akubras, 3 pairs of boots, a dusted-up camera, a drowned drone and new friends gained. Join Bel as she shares her insights into the valuable contribution research is making in Northern Australia and some answers to a question that’s followed her for years… if you were Prime Minister for the day what would you do for Northern Australia? A year out in the field and the answer finally became clear..

Belinda is a passionate advocate for the north and creates digital content for the CRC for Developing Northern Australia, focused on the sustainable and nature positive development of Northern Australia.
Bel worked for the Australian Government’s Office of Northern Australia where she led the coordination of the White Paper on Developing Northern Australia, and strategic communications and engagement to support economic policy outcomes. She was also a Senior Adviser with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in the Indigenous Affairs Group working with communities across Arnhem Land and the Southwest Gulf of the Northern Territory.