A new Alliance has been forged to develop and strengthen North Queensland’s agricultural and value supply chains to help grow the sector across the north.

The North Queensland Agricultural Supply Chain Alliance includes representatives from the CRCNA, Townsville Enterprise, Advance Cairns, Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3), Central Queensland University and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

CRCNA Chair Sheriden Morris said the Alliance will work together to identify and progress new supply chain projects which serve to strengthen and develop the agricultural supply and value supply chains across North Queensland.

“It makes sense for the regions to take a more strategic approach to supply and value chain development. Working together will remove duplication of research and strategy development and provide a united voice to governments at all levels,” she said.

The work the Alliance will undertake will support region-specific supply chain development projects being funded by the CRCNA across the Townsville, Cairns and Mackay, Issac and Whitsunday Local Government Areas.

The Alliance expect to formalise arrangements in coming months and hope to soon include representatives from Central Queensland and the North-West Minerals Province.