A new survey has been launched seeking input from aquaculture industry stakeholders across northern Australia.

The survey tool has been developed by a team of aquaculture experts and researchers collaborating on the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) funded northern Australia aquaculture industry situational analysis project.

This team includes James Cook University (JCU), CSIRO, Blueshift Consulting, Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), Australian Prawn Farmers Association (APFA) and the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC).

Project lead, JCU Associate Professor Jennifer Cobcroft said the survey is open to anyone involved in, or wanting to be involved in, aquaculture in northern Australia. This includes producers, suppliers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, government representatives, education and training providers, researchers, students, industry peak bodies, investors, and potential new entrants.

“We want to collect as much information and perspectives as possible to ensure we’re focusing on the most important issues and exploring solutions which will be accepted and adopted by the industry, government and investors.

“Survey responses will be used to help identify what the main challenges facing the industry are and what some potential solutions and opportunities could be, and the resources needed to deliver these,” she said.

The survey is unique in seeking perspectives across jurisdictions, industry sectors and different stakeholder groups and will take between 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

All responses will be confidential and aggregated into a summary report which will be shared with funding bodies, government, investors and the aquaculture industry in northern Australia.

A series of regional focus group discussions will also be held in Broome, the Torres Strait, Townsville and Darwin later this month, in June and early July.

The results of the survey will inform both the northern Australia aquaculture situational analysis report due for release early 2020 and the northern Australia aquaculture industry Vision 2028.

More information

Click here to take the survey

Project contacts

James Cook University – Dr Jennifer Cobcroft : jennifier.cobcroft@jcu.edu.au

CSIRO – Mat Cook : Mat.Cook@csiro.au  

Blueshift Consulting – Rob Bell : rob@blueshiftconsulting.com.au

Australian Barramundi Farmers Association- Jo-anne Ruscoe : info@abfa.com.au

Australian Prawn Farmers Association – Kim Hooper : kim.hooper@apfa.com.au

Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation – Kylie Penehoe : Kylie.Penehoe@ilsc.gov.au

Media enquiries

Carla Keith, CRCNA Communications Manager

0499 330 051