An evaluation of Northern Territory Agriculture supply chains and export opportunities

An evaluation of Northern Territory Agriculture supply chains and export opportunities
  • Reference # A.1.1819055
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 1 year
  • Project manager Ian Biggs
  • CRCNA Funding $250,000.00
  • Total project value $542,500.00
  • Project research participant Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
  • Research Programs 1. Building potential in Northern Australia
  • Location Darwin
  • Supply chain development
  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture
  • Beef
  • Forestry
  • Horticulture
  • Strategic policy development


Despite the Northern Territory’s proximity to international markets and rich agricultural produce, the geography of the region combined with the small, nascent production sector creates unique challenges when it comes to the opportunities of effectively and efficiently supplying international markets.

This partnership-based project aims to support the NT’s key export and supply chain stakeholders to identify how the Territory can take advantage of its unique geographic location to become a preferred leading export hub and to sell its bulk agricultural and processed food products to world markets.

It will focus on the food, fibre and forestry commodities produced across the NT.

Development of the Northern Territory driven supply chains report which will conduct a gap analysis and determine where to apportion effort to drive industry expansion and economic growth.

Expected outcomes

The research will deliver :

  • Develop a volume and cost data driven model of the opportunities for the Northern Territory across commodities (food, fibre and forestry by crop and sector) to influence policy drivers and potentially incentivise industry export aspirations.
  • Capture the supply chain and stakeholder actors (including commercial), capacity, and barriers the Northern Territory has and evaluate and refine the export opportunities and the possible recommendations for future growth. Report delivered 14 November 2021
  • Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the NT Agricultural supply chains domestically and internationally (SWOT analysis). Report delivered 14 January 2022
