Sarah Docherty
Chief Executive Operations
Sarah Docherty is the Chief Executive Operations at the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia where she provides organisational leadership and strategic guidance to ensure the CRCNA delivers its mandate of high-quality research and development to progress sustainable development objectives. Sarah also manages CRCNA’s aquaculture, health services and First Nations research programs.
With over a decade of project management, business operations and executive experience, across a variety of organisational frameworks, both nationally and internationally, Sarah brings operational excellence to lead CRCNA in achieving positive outcomes that support industry growth across the north through evidence-based research and development investments.
Sarah grew up in Northern Australia, lives on Kalkadoon Country in Mount Isa and is passionate about Northern Australia and the opportunities and advantages this region presents for investment and industry development. She is dedicated to empowering individuals and improving health and social outcomes for those living in regional, rural and remote areas.
Sarah holds a Bachelor of Education, a postgraduate Diploma of Business, is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Director on the Southern Gulf NRM Board, and is a member of the Rural, Regional and Remote Women’s Network.