Project Echo
Health eMinds ECHO

Based on the Project ECHO model, the Health eMinds ECHO is a series of free, interactive case-based virtual mentoring sessions which address a range of topics related to the delivery of mental healthcare- in a range of healthcare settings across Northern Australia.
Health eMinds ECHO sessions are open to anyone working in the delivery of mental health services in Northern Australia, including clinicians, front line and community support workers and allied healthcare workers.
The CRCNA understands building a collaborative and interactive network of mental health care professionals and healthcare workers is an important part of improving service delivery and access to new models of care, especially for those in rural and remote and First Nations contexts.
The Healthy eMinds ECHO is also about supporting mental healthcare workers, connecting peers and creating a community of best practice to inform high-quality care in the north.
More information: Contact the Telehealth Skills ECHO team via
For more information
Contact the Telehealth Skills ECHO team via email
Benefits of Health eMinds ECHO
- access to supervision and mentoring, by peers and specialists
- co-management of cases
- improved coordination of care
- reduced professional isolation
- opportunity to inform emerging policies in this space
Topics and dates
Held on the first Thursday of each month for all health workers in Northern Australia.
Monthly sessions will deliver practical training to support the development of skills to support the delivery of mental health services and consist of:
- a 10-minute presentation by the mental health subject matter experts
- Q & A on presentation (open for all participants)
- a deidentified patient case presentation put forward by one of the participants.
- Q & A on patient case open for all participants to share ideas and experiences
Curriculum dates 2025:
To access participant resources for past sessions visit: Health eMinds participant resources
6 February 2025
6 March 2025
3 April 2025
Previous sessions
To access participant resources for past sessions visit: Health eMinds participant resources