Growth of agricultural exports from FNQ through enhanced supply chains

Growth of agricultural exports from FNQ through enhanced supply chains
  • Reference # A.1.1819043
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 1 year
  • Project manager Carla Keith
  • CRCNA Funding $200,000.00
  • Total project value $426,000.00
  • Project research participant Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils ( FNQROC)
  • Research Programs 1. Building potential in Northern Australia
  • Location Cairns, Mareeba, Atherton, Mourilyan, Cooktown, Karumba, Weipa
  • Aquaculture
  • Agriculture
  • Beef
  • Horticulture
  • Supply chain development


Potential improvements and efficiencies in FNQ supply chains have not kept pace with recent substantial growth and diversification in the agriculture markets across the region (including fresh and value added), particularly bearing in mind the potential of the development of northern Australia. This has led to reduced realisation of economic opportunities in FNQ.

To facilitate growth of agricultural exports from FNQ, this project will identify gaps that exist in the current supply chain and examine opportunities for FNQ producers to enter new export markets.

The results of the project will inform planning for several catalytic projects in the region, including the Ports North master plan for the Cairns Marine Precinct, Cairns Airport aviation route development, FNQ Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) roads and infrastructure planning, and a Regional Export Distribution Centre business case for Cairns

Expected outcomes

  • A report which will provide evidence-based data and information for stakeholders to use when developing feasibility studies and business cases for infrastructure developments.
  • The research will outline the current and future supply chain to provide an evidenced-based impetus to increase regional production and export through conductor and market identification.
  • Through identification of wider market and export opportunities, the outcomes of this study are likely to increase regional production, offer more employment opportunities and contribute to a greater regional spend.


11 June 2020

Export 2030 – delivering fresh food fast : The opportunity to double high value food exports from Far North Queensland

Type: Report

Industry: Aquaculture, Beef, Horticulture, Strategic policy development, Supply chain development