- Reference # A.1.1819039
- Project Status Current
- Timeframe 10 months (2019)
- Project manager Ian Biggs
- CRCNA Funding $96,000.00
- Total project value $196,904.00
- Project research participant Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) ; North Queensland Bulk Ports ; RDA Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday ; Bowen Gumlu Growers’ Association
- Research Programs 1. Building potential in Northern Australia
- Location Mackay, Proserpine, Bowen, Clermont
- Supply chain development
- Agriculture
- Horticulture
The study is specifically designed to identify and map the export freight task for MIW agri-food products and associated waste and identify potential markets which will deliver a sustainable future for the MIW regional economy.
The Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Agribusiness Export Supply Chain Mapping Study will support and inform the delivery of the Growing Greater Whitsunday Agrifood Strategy recommendations to develop sectoral regional Road Maps and Action Plans, partner with industry stakeholders to develop Regional Export Development Plans, as well as develop and promote a Regional Agrifood Export Readiness Program.
Through identifying wider markets and export opportunities, regional agri-food production will increase, therefore offering increased employment opportunities and a greater regional spend. This will be measured through monitoring employment and key regional economic indicators.
Additionally, the study will identify infrastructure and supply chain improvement that is required to meet existing and future domestic and international market demands.
Expected outcomes
- A report which maps the current and future supply chain to provide an evidenced-based impetus to increase regional production and export through conductor and market identification.
- Through identification of wider market and export opportunities, the outcomes of this study are likely to increase regional production, offer more employment opportunities and contribute to a greater regional spend.
- A 1 per cent increase in exports due to supply chain efficiencies boosting productivity is expected to:
- Increase demand for intermediate goods and services by $5.474 million.
- Increase total output, including all direct, supply-chain and consumption effects by up to $21.760 million.
- Grow total employment, including all direct, supply-chain and consumption effects by up to 72 jobs across the region and increase wages and salaries, by up to $3.014 million.
- Total value-added, including all direct, supply-chain and consumption effects is estimated to increase by up to $10.396 million.
27 February 2020
Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday regional agribusiness supply chains
Type: Report
Industry: Agriculture, Aquaculture, Beef, Broadacre cropping, Forestry, Horticulture, Supply chain development
12 February 2020
Securing outcomes and measuring progress: A preliminary report into agricultural development and tropical health servicing in Northern Australia
Type: Report
Industry: Strategic policy development, Agriculture, Health service delivery