Maximising northern tropical forestry-linking communities and cutting-edge technology Tiwi Islands

Maximising northern tropical forestry-linking communities and cutting-edge technology Tiwi Islands
  • Reference # AT.4.2021001
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 3 years (2020 to 2023)
  • Project manager Sarah Docherty
  • CRCNA Funding $1,656,048
  • Total project value $4,680,846
  • Project research participant Tiwi Plantations Corporation ; University of Melbourne ; Plantation Management Partners ; NT Dept Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) ; Charles Darwin University ; Port Melville Pty Ltd
  • Project research co-funder Forest and Wood Products Australia Ltd
  • Research Programs 4. Building industry and capacity in Northern Australia
  • Location Tiwi Islands, Darwin, Melbourne
  • Forestry
  • Agriculture
  • First Nations led business development


The CRCNA funding for this project includes a co-investment of $666,000 from Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited.

This project brings together research expertise from the University of Melbourne, NT DITT and Charles Darwin University, commercial expertise of Australia’s largest forest product exporter (Plantation Management Partners Pty Ltd), the forestry research and development corporation (Forest and Wood Products Australia), community development specialists and indigenous people (Tiwi Plantations Corporation and other emerging indigenous businesses) to develop a Northern Forestry Industry Growth model.

The project’s comprehensive research program aims to:

  • Develop a Northern Forestry Industry Growth model to meet increased demand for hardwood chip in north Asia by expanding hardwood plantations in the tropics, attracting investment to the north and bringing employment to remote communities.
  • Achieve full potential of the unique Tiwi indigenous forestry and port enterprises with a major expansion in value and volume of exports from the 30,000 ha plantations.
  • Provide underpinning science for economic development for other indigenous communities in higher rainfall areas, including East Arnhem and Cape York.

Expected outcomes

The model developed will combine cutting-edge genomics, molecular marker and plant breeding technologies across selected eucalyptus species  with community-based enterprise development approaches to improve productivity and provide new options for economic development and employment on Aboriginal-owned lands.

It be expected the model will underpin northern Australian tropical plantation industry export growth from $6.5m (2018/19) to $12.5m (2025/26).


28 September 2021

Maximising Tiwi forestry – webinar

Type: Webinar

Industry: First Nations led business development, Forestry