- Reference # A.3.1819007
- Project Status Current
- Timeframe 4 years (2019 to 2023)
- Project manager Sarah Docherty
- CRCNA Funding $952,471.00
- Total project value $2,384,914.00
- Project research participant Perfection Fresh Australia ; University of Queensland ; Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)
- Research Programs 3. Production and supply chain innovation in Northern Australia
- Location Brisbane, Sydney, Katherine, Mataranka, Litchfield Shire, Mareeba, Dimbulah, Ayr, Bundaberg, Brisbane, Nambour.
- Horticulture
- Agriculture
- Supply chain development
This project aims to grow the export capability of Calypso® mangoes grown in northern Australia into China. It will focus on identifying and resolving quality issues within the existing supply chain, by building on previous research and development undertaken by the Perfection Fresh Group at their dedicated Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT) facilities in Brisbane.
It will use supply chain monitoring tools and communication systems to track, monitor and record product movements along the entire supply chain from pre-harvest to final retail outlets in China. The information gathered will help growers and exporters accurately identify and resolve quality issues and trace back to the source and implement changes.
Expected outcomes
- Increase export value of Calypso® mangoes into China by circa $20 million p.a. up from current value circa $1 million p.a.
- Improvements identified as part of project will transfer and benefit domestic market and contribute to improved farm returns.
- Broader benefit to northern Australian mango industry may include better access into China by way of out of season opportunity.
- Research may inform government policies around transport strategies for moving perishable agricultural products into Asia or into southern markets.