Northern Australian broadacre cropping situational analysis

Northern Australian broadacre cropping situational analysis
  • Reference # A.1.1718118
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 10 months
  • Project manager Carla Keith
  • CRCNA Funding $200,000.00
  • Total project value $200,000.00
  • Project research participant ST Strategic Services Pty Ltd
  • Research Programs 1. Building potential in Northern Australia
  • Location Kununurra, Go Go Station, Perth, Strathmore, Olive Vale Station, Douglas Daly, Tipperary Station, Flying Fox Station
  • Broadacre cropping
  • Agriculture
  • Strategic policy development
  • Supply chain development


CRCNA is seeking to develop a Northern (north of the Tropic of Capricorn) broadacre cropping industry strategy which will provide a framework for investment in broadacre cropping in northern Australia to the benefit of growers, pastoralists and the broader grains and cotton industry in the north.

The project will undertake a SWOT and gap analysis examining the current constraints and opportunities in :

  • Farming systems and post-farm integration
  • Production systems
  • Supply chains and logistics

The process and final report are intended to inform the CRCNA strategic research investments, assist with coordination of investment across the Northern Australian broadacre cropping sector and improve strategic alignment across the research, policy and service delivery arms of the sector.

Expected outcomes

  • The development of comprehensive strategic R&D paper outlining key objectives, management and learning approaches.
  • Individual programs (not projects) identified with recommended appropriate outcomes within:
  1. Production systems
  2. Post-farm gate supply chains
  3. Market information and access


5 August 2020

Northern Australian broadacre cropping situational analysis

Type: Report

Industry: Broadacre cropping