Final project processes and publications

Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia > Final project processes and publications


Final publication process

The lead research provider is responsible for ensuring all final research activity materials are provided to the CRCNA for publication (if applicable) at the conclusion of the research activity.  In most cases there is the expectation the lead provides a final research report or reports as agreed in section 8 of the Project Plan (Milestones).

The CRCNA expects all final research activity materials and reports have been through a thorough review and approval process, including:

Feedback sought from all Project Participants and where applicable or appropriate Steering Committee members, stakeholders and co-funders

Documents and reports have been proof read, including for spelling and grammar

Where appropriate, reports have been peer reviewed

Final documents and reports are submitted via the request to publish form on CRCNA approved templates, with appropriate logos and acknowledgements

Below provides an overview of the steps to complete and publish your final research report/s and materials as described in your Project Plan.


Draft report shared with other project participants & stake holders & approved


Draft submitted to CRCNA Project Manager of review & feedback


Feedback incorporated & final report submitted on agreed CRCNA template & request to publish form completed


CRCNA confirmed ISBN & publishes on website


End of project reporting

As per Annexure E of the Head Research Agreement, the lead research provider is required to submit a final project report at the conclusion of their research activity. This report will be provided to you in the quarter preceding the expected project end date.

Each final report must be in a form as required by CRC and contain:

A summary of the work undertaken for the Project highlighting achievements, outcomes and outputs, and outlining how the Pathway to Impact was achieved, the current and expected impact

A summary of any commercialisation activities, assets and IP generated through the research, including future ownership arrangements, as agreed with the CRC

A status report of all milestones and outputs, including whether the Project objectives have been achieved and rationale for variations

A summary of all communication activities, including publicity material, publications, reports of meetings and attendance records, online and social media;

A contact for ongoing impact tracking and follow up activities

A summary of any education and training programs

A summary of any significant costs incurred during the life of the project

Financial Reports for the Project including:

  • internally audited financial statements if the research provider is a State, Territory or Federal government department, agency or tertiary institution
  • externally audited financial statements for all other research providers outside of these categories
  • a Statutory Declaration on behalf of all In-Kind Contributors on the Project, provided by the lead research provide

A declaration by the lead research provider as nominated in Annexure B – Activity Schedule stating the information submitted is true and correct and certifying that the Fees have been expended only for Commonwealth Funded Activities and otherwise in accordance with the Agreement


CRCNA final project report completed


Audited financials & project acquittal completed


All final research materials submitted via request to publish