- Author Pendegast,L., Harris,G., Matchett,T., Eyre, J.
- Publish date 6 May 2020
- Type Webinar
- Documents
- Broadacre cropping
Project leaders from the CRCNA’s three Far North Queensland-based broadacre cropping projects held a live webinar session with industry stakeholders. During the session, they provided an update of their research activities, important lessons learned so far and interactive Q & A.
A brief overview of the session and the FAQ is provided in the fact sheet below.
De-risking broadacre cropping options in northern Queensland
This project proposes a participatory on-farm program with growers driving the RD&E activities to identify best crop and management options and bridge gaps between present and potential yields. The research will assist building farmers’ skills, and identifying high profit and low risk options in broadacre cropping by trialling sorghum , maize and forage crops. It will: Work with farmers to identify and address knowledge gaps in cropping and ensure they are engaged across the life of the project through a participatory approach to RD&E. Run researcher managed trials at “Strathmore Station” (Gilbert catchment) and “Curra” (Burdekin catchment) to develop adapted agronomic packages. Support farmers’ managed trials at “Prestwood Station” (Gilbert catchment). Work with Radicle Seeds Australia and Elders to identify optimum combinations of hybrid characteristics in maize and sorghum crops and forages likely to confer adaptation to northern Australia’s environments and markets. Communicate project outputs with farmers, consultants, AgForce members, and agribusinesses across the Gilbert and Burdekin catchments.
Developing an oilseed industry in Northern Australia
This project identified a range of adapted oilseed crops suitable for commercial-scale production as part of a high-value component of a Northern Australia cropping system. Some of the crops trialled included sesame, soybeans, safflower, linseed, canola, mustards and nigella. The research team have delivered a trial compendium which provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the project and the field trials.
Developing a broadacre cropping sector in northern Queensland
This project will work with existing and new grain growers, and the agribusiness sector, within the Gulf River catchments to develop local cropping systems and agronomic skills. Within the Gulf River catchments of north Queensland there is limited experience and knowledge around the performance and profitability of potential dryland and irrigated broadacre grain crops that could be grown. An understanding of the variability in this performance is critical in providing local landholders and potential investors with the knowledge and assessment of risk needed to develop appropriate grain cropping systems for the region. This project will provide the opportunity for local landholders and agribusiness personnel to gain the necessary knowledge and skills needed for successful production of grain within existing extensive grazing enterprises within the region.