Cotton, Grains, Cattle program: Enhancing extension capacity to sustain growth of north Queensland cropping systems

Cotton, Grains, Cattle program: Enhancing extension capacity to sustain growth of north Queensland cropping systems
  • Cotton Grains Cattle program
  • Agriculture
  • Beef
  • Broadacre cropping


Enhancing extension capacity to sustain growth of north Queensland cropping systems’ is one of six projects in the Cotton, Grains, Cattle (CGC) program. Crop production in north Queensland provides farmers and pastoralists with greater operating diversity. This project will enable Cotton Seed Distributors to increase extension capacity of crop production in north Queensland with an additional extension officer. To meet the regions current rate of industry expansion, and help position the industry for future investments, increased access to cotton agronomy and overall support for sustainable farming systems and integration with grains and cattle systems is required .


Cotton Grain Cattle program: Enhancing extension capacity to sustain growth of North Queensland cropping systems

Cotton Grain Cattle program: Enhancing extension capacity to sustain growth of North Queensland cropping systems

Crop production in north Queensland provides farmers and pastoralists with greater diversity. To ensure sustainable growth CSD and industry will need immediate and increased on the ground extension capacity to respond in a timely manner for both cotton agronomy and overall support for sustainable farming systems (including cotton’s integration with grains and cattle systems). Current growth is occurring at a rapid rate and this project will enable CSD to respond appropriately and be better positioned to further its investment in north Queensland along with future projected growth.

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