De-risking broadacre cropping options in north Queensland – webinar

De-risking broadacre cropping options in north Queensland – webinar
  • Publish date 30 April 2021
  • Type Webinar
  • Broadacre cropping


Prof. Daniel Rodriguez from the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, the University of Queensland (QAAFI-UQ) provides an update on his De-risking broadacre cropping options in north Queensland project in this webinar event. This webinar was recorded on 10 March, 2021.



De-risking broadacre cropping options in northern Queensland

De-risking broadacre cropping options in northern Queensland

This project proposes a participatory on-farm program with growers driving the RD&E activities to identify best crop and management options and bridge gaps between present and potential yields. The research will assist building farmers’ skills, and identifying high profit and low risk options in broadacre cropping by trialling sorghum , maize and forage crops. It will: Work with farmers to identify and address knowledge gaps in cropping and ensure they are engaged across the life of the project through a participatory approach to RD&E. Run researcher managed trials at “Strathmore Station” (Gilbert catchment) and “Curra” (Burdekin catchment) to develop adapted agronomic packages. Support farmers’ managed trials at “Prestwood Station” (Gilbert catchment). Work with Radicle Seeds Australia and Elders to identify optimum combinations of hybrid characteristics in maize and sorghum crops and forages likely to confer adaptation to northern Australia’s environments and markets. Communicate project outputs with farmers, consultants, AgForce members, and agribusinesses across the Gilbert and Burdekin catchments.

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