- Author Dickinson, G & Bennett, D.
- Publish date 1 November 2021
- Type Fact sheet
- ISBN 978-1-922437-27-3
- Documents
- Horticulture
This manual contains seven factsheets created to support growers who are considering intensifying or have already begun moving towards higher density mango orchards. Information on both ‘slim-hedge’ and trellised high-density systems is provided in this manual.
- Factsheet 1: ‘Making the change to high density mango orchards’
- Factsheet 2: ‘Economics of high density mango orchards’
- Factsheet 3: ‘Choosing mango tree spacing’
- Factsheet 4: ‘Trellis versus hedge designs’
- Factsheet 5: ‘Trellis design and construction’
- Factsheet 6: ‘Trellis pruning and training’
- Factsheet 7: ‘High density hedge (slim-hedge) design, pruning and training’
Transforming mango futures
Two large mango growers, Manbulloo Ltd and BJM Enterprises, aim to grow their businesses through greater production of high-quality fruit, suitable for domestic and Asian export markets. Recognising the business potential of new intensive management systems developed by Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) in intensive mango management systems including high-density and trellis designs, adaptation to mechanisation and robotics, greater input efficiency and greater cyclone resilience, they intend to form an industry-led venture with DAF and the Australian Mango Industry Association (AMIA) to commercially trial techniques. A variety of ‘best-bet’, high-density mango orchard technologies will be established as commercial-scale research trials on 3 properties in Queensland and the Northern Territory, using current and new varieties to facilitate the transition to next-generation, high-productivity orchard systems.