- Author Bhattarai, S., Trotter, T., Thomson,T
- Publish date 10 February 2021
- Type Report
- Documents
- Broadacre cropping
This report provides the results of the first year of multi-location trials of three fennel genotypes grown at four locations across Queensland (Tully, Ayr, Rockhampton and Biloela) and in Darwin and Katherine in the Northern Territory.
It covers the in-field crop agronomy and the results of the yield and quality analysis, undertaken by research lead, CQUniversity.
The seed yield of the three fennel varieties across each of the trial locations, ranged from 50 to 1574 kg/ha, with the highest seed yield recorded in Ayr followed by Katherine and Rockhampton, and the lowest yield recorded in Biloela.
Researchers have concluded in order for fennel to realise its potential as a high-value crop in Northern Australian conditions, additional research is required to optimise the time of seeding for different locations, agronomy for developing the planting density, and crop adaptation under different farming systems. These need to be assessed alongside assessment of the impact of variables such as tillage, previous crops and fertiliser regimes, and the impact of previous season herbicide applications.
Spicing up Northern Australia with high-value condiment crops
This project will undertake field trials to test the suitability of these spices to real-world operating systems and develop agronomic advice to support grower adoption. Through the direct involvement of farmers, advisers and commercial seed companies, this project will build the supply chain links needed to establish a new and viable industry for the North. Researchers will assess the market and supply chain opportunities available and the environmental and agronomic systems required for producers in northern Australia to adopt five high-value spice crops (cumin, caraway, black sesame, kalonji and fennel) to form the basis of a new industry to meet Australian demand and become an export opportunity. Data gathered in glasshouse trials by CQUniversity and AgriVentis Technologies has delivered the proof of suitability of these five-spice crops to advance research to field trial stage. Data gathered from this project’s field trials in the six different agro-ecological zones will allow for detailed assessments to be made of the suitability of these crops for wide-scale commercial production in northern Australia.