- Author NT Farmers Association
- Publish date 10 January 2022
- Type Video
- Documents
- Horticulture
- Supply chain development
Soil moisture probes can play an important role in enhancing water efficiencies on Northern Territory farms.
Watch this short video for an explanation of them and how they can be used on your farm.
For further information about the Water productivity, efficiency and sustainability project with NT Farmers please contact Water Industry Development Officer, Di Renfree on 0437079083 or wido@ntfarmers.org.au.
Water productivity, efficiency and sustainability in tropical horticulture
The project will test the hypothesis that horticulture producers in the tropics are using significantly less irrigation water than is currently being allocated with little or no negative impact on productivity and profitability. This research project will establish sites within existing commercial production systems and use cutting-edge soil moisture monitoring and interpretation irrigation technology and scheduling programs to determine optimum irrigation inputs for key horticultural crops in the tropics. The empirical data for differing crops and systems will then identify the range of irrigation inputs required per crop per situation and establish agreed benchmarks for water allocation determinations.