Northern Australia aquaculture situational analysis

Northern Australia aquaculture situational analysis
  • Aquaculture


The objectives of the Northern Australia aquaculture industry situational analysis project (A.1.1718119) were to identify key challenges and opportunities facing the northern Australian aquaculture sector, and to explore potential solutions and identify the most strategic research projects for further investment. The scope of the study included infrastructure, policy, investment, environmental, production, knowledge, training and human capital gaps.

The study used a mixed methodology approach to data collection and analysis including a literature review, an online survey, face-to-face workshops, access to key production-related data reported to government, SWOT analysis and scenario planning tools.

The opportunity for aquaculture industry development in Northern Australia is large, with estimates that north has 500,000 hectares and 700,000 hectares suitable for marine farming in earthen and lined ponds, respectively . For freshwater pond culture, suitable areas are up to 50-fold larger.

Seven strategic recommendations addressing key identified challenges to industry development are included in this report.


Northern Australia aquaculture industry situational analysis study

Northern Australia aquaculture industry situational analysis study

This project will identify key challenges and opportunities facing the northern Australian aquaculture sector and will explore potential solutions and/or identify the most strategic research projects for further investment. This situational analysis study will examine current industry characteristics, including industry size, production, income, productivity measures and employment levels to understand capacity and scalability limitations. It will include, but not be limited to examining: infrastructure, biosecurity, animal health management, the investment landscape, policy, training and human capital gaps and the research or alternative solutions to address them. A Northern Aquaculture Industry Vision 2028 will also be developed as part of this study. This vision and strategy will be developed in collaboration with indigenous and non-indigenous stakeholders including industry associations, Aquaculture farmers, researchers, government and non-government organisations via a series of focus group sessions.

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