- Author Akbar, D., Rahman, A., Nguyen, T., Rolfe, J., Kinnear, S., Rajapaksa, D., Bhattarai, S., Hazrat, A.
- Publish date 19 June 2023
- Type Report
- Documents
- Agriculture
- Beef
- Broadacre cropping
- Horticulture
- Strategic policy development
- Supply chain development
This report provides a summary of the Central Queensland agricultural supply chain baseline study and shoes how the supply chain for an agricultural region can be systematically analysed to better understand the opportunities for growth.
Central Queensland regional agricultural supply chain baseline study
Central Queensland (CQ) regional councils are proposing to build on current and past research undertaken in CQ, Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday (MIW), north Queensland (NQ), and far north Queensland (FNQ) regions, to define the agricultural supply chain baseline information and network for the CQ region. This will ensure a common understanding of capabilities of production commodities, markets, supply chain opportunities and challenges is established across each region, as well as an understanding of international demand for the relevant agricultural commodities. The potential for market diversification, value added product development and exporting agricultural commodities will be examined in terms of its supply chain efficiency, supply and market (demand) size, availability of labour, land and water, external economies, and diseconomies. This project aims to develop a unified base line assessment framework for sustainable agricultural supply chain management. This framework helps with the design of a supply chain mapping tool that not only characterise the agricultural products but also enables the user to understand the features, structure and process of agricultural supply chains