- Author CRCNA
- Publish date 3 July 2023
- Type Report
- Documents
- Sugarcane
Final report from A.3.2021119 -Mackay alternative sugarcane processing pilot project: equipment and product test sampling phase.
Townsend Industries sugarcane processing pilot plant.
Mackay alternative sugarcane processing pilot project: equipment and product test sampling phase
This project will test a pilot alternative sugarcane processing facility in Mackay. The demonstration plant will be used to separate the sugarcane plant and produce research samples, to develop a variety of high-value products, together with other necessary ancillary systems and equipment. The CRCNA’s investment will fund operational activities like the hiring of equipment and laboratories, freight and carriage for cane and for general research activities – not to build the semi-commercial facility, as that will come if this pilot phase proved successful.