Cotton, Grains, Cattle program


Building a greener future together Forever

Ecology is the scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment, including their physical, chemical.

  • Know what your target market wants and needs
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Leslie Alexander


Team member


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Winning award


Winning award

Clients talk

Eco-friendly products for a healthier planet

Clients talk

Eco-friendly products for a healthier planet

Ecology is an incredibly important field of study that helps understand our impact on nature.

Albert Flores


activities, such as pollution, the go is deforestation, and climate change it, have led to a decline.

Kristin Watson


Ecological principles can be applied to various fields, such as agriculture, forestry, and urban planning.

Floyd Miles


Ecological principles can be applied to various fields, such as agriculture, forestry, and urban planning.

David Karim


The four-year, $8 million program is the CRCNA’s largest investment to date and is part of a significant body of work across the north, with the potential to develop new industries for long term growth, shifting the landscape of northern agriculture through sustainable, adaptable cropping systems and cattle production improvements.

To bolster productivity across the north’s cropping and cattle sectors the CGC program has six projects across key northern regions to develop integrated agricultural systems, and has 30 research and funding partners to address cross-regional, geographically consistent priorities.


1. Crops for Cattle to increase the efficiency of Northern Australian cattle production systems using local crops to improve dry season weight gain (NT) read more

2. Fundamentals of cropping-systems that deliver sustainable growth of the agricultural sector (NT) read more

3. Cropping enabled cattle production enabled by feed products from irrigated cropping (WA) read more

4. Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) sustainable systems for diversification of ORIA cropping (WA) read more

5. Extension capacity of cropping systems, enhancing to sustain growth (NQ) read more

6. Cotton, Grains, Cattle farming systems (NQ) read more

Genuine collaboration is at the heart of CGC where researchers, producers, development corporations and jurisdictional governments are working to maximise the productivity of cropping and beef production systems in Kununurra and the Ord region of WA, the Katherine and Douglas Daly regions of the NT, and in developing crop production in areas of north Queensland.

Key partner agencies include: Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Grains Research and Development Corporation, Queensland Government, Northern Territory Government, Government of Western Australia.

The four-year program is focused on research and development outcomes that address soil and water suitability and management; optimised agronomy; crop protection; biosecurity; development and maintenance of local industry capacity in remote locations; development of best practices for animal production; and stewardship and social licence including whole-of-life methane emissions tailored to the scale and climates of the north.

Stay up to date on the CGC program – register here

Watch the video reel here

Media release here