
CRCNA Style Guide

Style guide

Please note, except where otherwise noted, content published by the CRCNA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This includes all research materials produced as part of a CRCNA-funded project. These resources are to assist research providers to prepare activity materials relating to their CRCNA Activity (their CRCNA project). Note: Research providers must not engage in any activity events (project promotional events) or create any research activity materials (project materials), without the CRCNA’s prior written consent. Failure to inform the CRCNA of any planned activity events or materials may constitute a breach of your CRC Research Agreement terms.


The following acknowledgement must be included in all project publications: The author/s acknowledge the financial support of the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia which is part of the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centre Program (CRCP). The CRCNA also acknowledges the financial and in-kind support of the project participants.


To ensure integrity and legibility, the CRCNA brandmark should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. It must be surrounded on all sides by an adequate clear space. The logo variations are available in different file formats, and should only appear as displayed unless permission is given for any variation.

General media release form

We encourage our project participants to take photos and videos to capture events or milestones during their research - but you must have consent from the people captured in these images. This form should be used by project participants (or their representatives) and shared with the CRCNA, along with any of the images.