A situational analysis of the horticulture sector across Northern Australia

A situational analysis of the horticulture sector across Northern Australia
  • Reference # A.1.2021063
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 1 year (2021 to 2022)
  • Project manager Sarah Docherty
  • CRCNA Funding $200,613.00
  • Total project value $356,136.00
  • Project research participant Charles Darwin University ; CQUniversity ; NT Farmers Association ; NT Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) ; Mareeba District Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (FNQ Growers) ; Ord River District Co-operative Ltd (ORDCO) ; WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) ; Horticulture Innovation Australia
  • Research Programs 1. Building potential in Northern Australia
  • Location Katherine, Darwin, Barkley Tablelands, central Queensland, north Queensland, far north Queensland, Pilbara, east and west Kimberley
  • Horticulture
  • Strategic policy development


This project will conduct a detailed situational analysis of the northern horticulture sector, in consultation with key stakeholders, for each northern jurisdiction.

The work is the first step towards describing a State/Territory specific status, and for assessing the total value and potential, of northern horticultural industries. This project will assist in informing policy and identify opportunities and challenges that may be addressed through investment in research, development and extension. The project outcomes will enable growers, industry bodies, and governments to adapt and assess the best investment opportunities for the future.

Expected outcomes

The process and final report will inform the CRCNA strategic research investments, assist with coordination of investment across the Northern Australian horticultural sector and improve strategic alignment across the research, policy and service delivery arms of the sector.

A key focus of the project is to understand challenges and issues for growers in FNQ, NT, and northern WA, from a local perspective, and how future R&D and investment should be targeted to improve the current situation and develop economically efficient systems in the future.


5 October 2022

Grower reflections of horticulture in Northern Australia

Type: Report

Industry: Horticulture