Grower reflections of horticulture in Northern Australia

  • Horticulture


This report has been prepared as part of the Situational analysis of the Northern Australia horticulture industry project . It offers a detailed integrated assessment, highlighting farmers’ perspective on the current state of the north’s horticulture sector, and the related challenges and opportunities.

Findings suggest that early and ‘out of season’ production and the availability of land and water are the key factors that can help grow the Northern Australia’s horticulture industry. However, an in-depth understanding of crops-specific economic viability and the potential for future export markets is essential for developing any future investment plans. Through in-depth discussions with the growers and industry experts, the project team identified several key local issues pertaining to crop production, including the availability of, and secure access to, land and water resources, as well as workforce and marketing arrangements (i.e. transport or packing/processing facilities, export opportunities, biosecurity protocols, and the role of the retailers/supermarkets) affect the economic viability and future expansion of the sector across the region.

The  study suggests any major investment should be aligned with growers’ interests and needs from each region, and supported by inclusive research for development, which can help improve economic returns, and the sustainability of the sector as well as of rural communities in the future.


A situational analysis of the horticulture sector across Northern Australia

A situational analysis of the horticulture sector across Northern Australia

This project will conduct a detailed situational analysis of the northern horticulture sector, in consultation with key stakeholders, for each northern jurisdiction. The work is the first step towards describing a State/Territory specific status, and for assessing the total value and potential, of northern horticultural industries. This project will assist in informing policy and identify opportunities and challenges that may be addressed through investment in research, development and extension. The project outcomes will enable growers, industry bodies, and governments to adapt and assess the best investment opportunities for the future.

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