Transforming mango futures

Transforming mango futures
  • Reference # A.3.1718105
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 3 years (2018 to 2021)
  • Project manager Anthony Curro
  • CRCNA Funding $500,000
  • Total project value $1,182,179
  • Project research participant Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland ; Manbulloo Limited ; BJM Enterprises ; Australian Mango Industry Association
  • Research Programs 3. Production and supply chain innovation in Northern Australia
  • Location Mareeba, Bowen, Katherine
  • Horticulture
  • Agriculture


Two large mango growers, Manbulloo Ltd and BJM Enterprises, aim to grow their businesses through greater production of high-quality fruit, suitable for domestic and Asian export markets. Recognising the business potential of new intensive management systems developed by Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) in intensive mango management systems including high-density and trellis designs, adaptation to mechanisation and robotics, greater input efficiency and greater cyclone resilience, they intend to form an industry-led venture with DAF and the Australian Mango Industry Association (AMIA) to commercially trial techniques.

A variety of ‘best-bet’, high-density mango orchard technologies will be established as commercial-scale research trials on 3 properties in Queensland and the Northern Territory, using current and new varieties to facilitate the transition to next-generation, high-productivity orchard systems.

Expected outcomes

  • Transforming the production of Northern Australian mango orchards with intensified production systems will increase business profit margins from $15,224 to $57,460/ha/year according to a DAF cost-benefit analysis.
  • The outcomes from these technologies will play a pivotal role in realising the Australian mango industries aspirations of increased industry value from $200 to $300 million by 2022 and increased annual production to over 82,000 tonnes.
  • A reliable supply of high quality fruit will drive market development, particularly towards export markets which are predicted to expand to >20,000 tonnes/annum by 2025.
  • At an anticipated post-project, adoption rate of >100 ha/year for these new intensification techniques, the following impacts on 1000 hectares of mango orchard may be expected within 10 years:
    • Estimated Impact ($) over 10 years = $42,236/ha x 1000 hectares = $42,236,000


1 November 2021

Establishment of high-density mango orchards

Type: Fact sheet

Industry: Horticulture

16 May 2021

An economic case study of intensive mango systems

Type: Report

Industry: Horticulture