Northern Australia aquaculture industry situational analysis study

Northern Australia aquaculture industry situational analysis study
  • Reference # A.1.1718119
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 12 months
  • Project manager Carla Keith
  • CRCNA Funding $202,117.00
  • Total project value $422,361.00
  • Project research participant Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation
  • Research Programs 1. Building potential in Northern Australia
  • Location Townsville, Darwin, Broome, Torres Strait
  • Aquaculture


This project will identify key challenges and opportunities facing the northern Australian aquaculture sector and will explore potential solutions and/or identify the most strategic research projects for further investment.

This situational analysis study will examine current industry characteristics, including industry size, production, income, productivity measures and employment levels to understand capacity and scalability limitations. It will include, but not be limited to examining: infrastructure, biosecurity, animal health management, the investment landscape, policy, training and human capital gaps and the research or alternative solutions to address them.

A Northern Aquaculture Industry Vision 2028 will also be developed as part of this study. This vision and strategy will be developed in collaboration with indigenous and non-indigenous stakeholders including industry associations, Aquaculture farmers, researchers, government and non-government organisations via a series of focus group sessions.

Expected outcomes




23 November 2020

State of the North 2020

Type: Report

Industry: Aquaculture, Beef, Broadacre cropping, First Nations led business development, Forestry, Health service delivery, Horticulture, Rice, Strategic policy development, Supply chain development

29 May 2020

Northern Australia aquaculture situational analysis

Type: Report

Industry: Aquaculture