Grain storage in northern Australia: Pest and resistance diagnostics and its implications for industry

Grain storage in northern Australia: Pest and resistance diagnostics and its implications for industry
  • Broadacre cropping


Grain storage in northern Australia: Pest and resistance diagnostics and its implications for industry


Integrated management to ensure market access for Northern Australian grain

Integrated management to ensure market access for Northern Australian grain

Following harvest, grains must be stored safely for prolonged periods to ensure market access throughout the year. As broadacre cropping expands in Northern Australia  on-farm storage is gaining momentum with a special emphasis on establishing and maintaining a functional grain supply chain to service domestic and international markets. However, the warm and humid climate of Northern Australia is conducive to pest attack and moisture build-up threatening the safe storage of grains. The CRCNA’s situational analysis of broadacre cropping in Northern Australia concluded a lack of expertise and research data on pest spectrum, resistance profile and management practices further escalate this risk and constitute an impediment to long-term investment in this area. Therefore, it is imperative to identify grain storage challenges and deliver scientifically sound storage practices suitable for Northern Australia. This industry driven research project aims to establish baseline data on stored grain insect pests and effective pest and resistance management practices that can effectively be used on farm.  These are: establishing pest and resistance profile and explore the degree of pest movement within the local grain growing region utilise this base data and evaluate the effectiveness of selective chemical control strategies that can potentially be used on farm and other stake holders facilitate delivery and adoption of key findings to end-users through workshops and field day meetings in collaboration with GRDC/ CRCNA extension team.

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