Northern Australia beef situation analysis. A report to the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia

Northern Australia beef situation analysis. A report to the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia
  • Beef


The approach for this analysis was to undertake a comprehensive review of the literature on beef production technologies and beef system outcomes, including supply-chain issues such as transport and logistics, and then to ‘socialise’ the findings of that review and gain the perspectives of different stakeholders and industry representatives.

Based on these inputs, a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis was undertaken from which recommendations were developed and refined via further stakeholder engagement.

The report is structured in two parts. Part A describes the Northern Australia beef industry, provides a SWOT analysis and presents recommendations. The recommendations meet the requirement to ‘…inform the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) on strategic research investments, assist with coordination of investment across the northern Australia beef sector and improve strategic alignment across the research, policy and service delivery arms of the sector’.

Part B of the report comprises detailed reviews of the different aspects of the Northern Australia beef industry. The report is structured to follow the Northern Australia beef supply chain, reviewing relevant literature and reports in each section. The last section quantitatively estimates and compares the industry-level benefit for different investments or portfolios of investments.


Northern Australian beef sector industry situational analysis study

Northern Australian beef sector industry situational analysis study

This project will identify key challenges and opportunities facing the northern Australian beef sector by exploring potential solutions and identifying the most strategic research projects in order to develop priorities for further investment. This research will include and not be limited to: infrastructure, policy, investment, environmental, production, knowledge, training and human capital gaps and the research or alternative solutions to address them. The report will provide recommendations in all key areas identified to facilitate growth and development of the northern Australian Beef Industry.

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