- Author Burdekin Renewable Fuels Pty Ltd
- Publish date 3 July 2023
- Type Report
- Documents
- Sugarcane
Final report from A.3.2021118 – Project B Green
Project B Green (sugarcane)
Project BGreen is a biorefinery based on converting sugarcane juice to glycols and biomass to hydrogen. This project will produce a techno-economic feasibility study. It will develop a design for a sugarcane factory and refinery that is self-sufficient in energy and is indeed carbon negative. Diversifying sugarcane processing away from crystal sugar both spreads financial risk for growers and industry but also offers the potential for greater industry income and regional economic power. By targeting emerging markets with long-term potential, this diversification should set up the sugarcane industry in the Burdekin for the generations to come. Overall research is required to determine: Can the MOSAIK™ monosaccharide process developed by Danish technology company, Haldor Topsoe, be applied to Australian sugarcane? Can hydrogen be manufactured at scale from sugarcane biomass for use in the glycolisation reaction? Is the system economically attractive and sustainable?