Western Yalanji Land Use Plan

Western Yalanji Land Use Plan
  • Author North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd
  • Publish date 22 November 2020
  • Type Report
  • ISBN 978-1-922437-20-4
  • Documents
  • First Nations led business development


Land Use Plans (LUPs) translate the broad view of agricultural and other land use potential into the social, cultural and economic realities of specific sites. They are not exhaustive nor definitive compilations of land use potential and interests but rather and expression of complex rights, needs and interests contextualising serious commitment to economic and community independence. Indigenous groups respond well to facilitators who recognise this and to therefore to communications and other tools that resonate with these core motivations.

This LUP has been put together with the Western Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate to complement the Western (Sunset Wugardaray) Yalanji People Community Plan 2016–2021. This LUP draws on the consultation process that led to the Community Plan to better define current priorities and create useful synergies amongst the various activities, partners and resources. Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) support has enabled several otherwise disparate elements to be pulled together into a more holistic plan of attack.

This Land Use and Economic Diversification Plan focuses on the three business areas identified by WYAC through this process; Fire Management and Carbon Abatement; Cultural Tourism and Site protection and Rehabilitation

A prospectus was also drafted as part of this project work and is attached as an appendices in this LUP.

The prospectus is an  important statement of commitment by project owners/participants to pursue identified development trajectories and a sense of readiness to invite investment from government and the private sector in terms that align with their way of seeing and doing things. At this stage the draft prospectuses are aimed at the local community as critical investors of social and cultural capital, as well as toward potential financial investors.

This LUP should be read along with the following supporting documents:



Business on country: Land use diversification on the Indigenous estate

Business on country: Land use diversification on the Indigenous estate

This project seeks to develop a northern Australian network and engagement framework for Indigenous landowners and managers on how to progress development and a fee for services sector across the Indigenous estate. The Business on Country approach facilitates the infusion of cultural values, rights and interests into Indigenous business creation and activity. This project has delivered a suite of research outputs and publications, which are complementary to each other and these are listed below in the publications section.

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