Business on country: Land use diversification on the Indigenous estate

Business on country: Land use diversification on the Indigenous estate
  • Reference # AT.4.1718111
  • Project Status Current
  • Timeframe 2 years
  • Project manager Ian Biggs
  • CRCNA Funding $363,636.00
  • Total project value $1,000,177.00
  • Project research participant The Trustee for the Nature Conservancy Australia Trust
  • Research Programs 4. Building industry and capacity in Northern Australia
  • Location Darwin, Cairns, Broome
  • First Nations led business development
  • Strategic policy development


This project seeks to develop a northern Australian network and engagement framework for Indigenous landowners and managers on how to progress development and a fee for services sector across the Indigenous estate.

The Business on Country approach facilitates the infusion of cultural values, rights and interests into Indigenous business creation and activity.

This project has delivered a suite of research outputs and publications, which are complementary to each other and these are listed below in the publications section.


22 November 2020

Business on Country : An introduction

Type: Report

Industry: First Nations led business development

22 November 2020

Waanyi and Garawa Land Use Plan


Industry: First Nations led business development

22 November 2020

Normanby Land Use Plan

Type: Report

Industry: First Nations led business development

22 November 2020

Western Yalanji Land Use Plan

Type: Report

Industry: First Nations led business development

22 November 2020

State of the Indigenous estate

Type: Interim report

Industry: First Nations led business development